Amy was looking in the mirror and found what she thought was a new freckle. When she looked closer, she found out the freckle was actually a tick.
While Amy has found ticks on her dog and had to remove them, she's never found one on herself in her entire life. She then kept looking on her body and found multiple bites likely from the same tick. She was pretty traumatized by the whole situation. But despite freaking out, Amy made sure when she pulled off the tick to put it in a ziplock and stick it in the freezer in case of further testing.
Since the incident, Amy has been worried that she contracted lyme disease. She has two people in her life that have the disease, and she has seen how much it changes a person's life. So she reached out to her doctor, who is also her friend Kevin, and he called her in some medicine to take for the next 7 days to calm her worries of contracting lyme disease.